The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Finished this book last night, and I must say there is one point in the book that makes me cry. Makes me cry in the film everytime, and it made me cry in the book not to spoil anything of course. In comparison to the film I did feel that they did quite a good job but of course there are little quirks which never quite live up to the book. I did also find in the book that I had more sympathy for Edmund than I did in the film, where I felt he did not deserve as much. Yet C.S Lewis does try and help us to understand why he did what he did, this and the fact that he was only a boy. I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next chapter..
One of the greatest things about these types of books, is that you can lose yourself in another world, oh if only there was a magical world beyond the wardrobe, maybe there could be..?