Thursday, 11 August 2011

39. Lobby your local MP

On the 17th July I sent an email to my local MP Andrew Tyrie about the bus system. I don't know if you know anything about it, but basically the Council only want to get rid of local buses to save THEM money... Nice eh? Particularly when we as a community rely on it. Especially the elderly, no point in having a free bus pass if you can't use it effectively.

Not to mention not being able to use the services going to and from the hospital. Quite important don't you think? They want to get rid of all sunday services, and evening services for weekdays. Not good!

Anyway I didnt expect him to respond, but I received a letter in the post today with a response from him. Was quite exciting all very official, the envelope even has House of Commons on it how very official...

Even got a signature from him, how exciting! So completed another off the list!

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