Friday 17 December 2010

Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)- Chris Tomlin

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Life, Poetry and Ramblings of Victoria Brown

You may be interested in my new blog: bear with me for the time being have only just put it up. The title says it all really: full of poetry and ramblings about anything and everything.

38. Go on a Demonstration

OK so on the 10th November, I know this is a bit late to be updating this but I went on the NUS Demolition Protest, my first ever. It was very exciting stuff, because all the students are coming together towards one cause. The atmosphere was amazing, everyone with billboards, and clever sayings such as: "Nick Clegg shame on you shame on you for turning blue" and other such chants which I cannot remember for the time being.

A lot of students feel as if they have been betrayed by Nick Clegg, it is unsurprising that a lot of the protest chants focused on him, as he did pledge he was not going to support the rise in the fees.

It was lucky that we missed the more violent demonstration which occurred after we left London, it doesnt make us as students look very good thats for sure. It made us feel like the peaceful demonstrations were ruined by the negative effects of the violent protests.
It is sad that the university fees are going up because future generations of children will not be able to afford education and we should be given that opportunity. It is even sadder that we will be in even more debt. As if us students have money to begin with anyway!

There were so many people at the protest, it felt good to be showing how we as students disagreed with what Parliament were doing, without violence. Just by actively being there and chanting and marching together.